Terms of use.

(Last updated May 3, 2024)


Welcome to the Blak & Blue Dance Project website, located at www.blakandbluedanceproject.org (the “Website”). The following document (the “Legal Terms”) sets forth the Terms of Use of our Website and of any related programs, services, initiatives, and projects. For the purpose of this document, the term “Programs” is used to refer collectively to all of our company offerings, including all programs, services, initiatives, and projects. These Legal Terms are a legally binding agreement made between the user (“you”) and us. By accessing our Website and Programs, you agree that you have read and understood these Legal Terms and agree to comply with the provisions set forth therein, as well as any applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree with these Legal Terms, you are prohibited from accessing and using our Website and its related Programs.

















Our Website is hosted in the United States. These Legal Terms and our Website and Programs are governed by the laws of the State of California. Any person who accesses our Website from other locations does so of their own volition and is entirely responsible for compliance with their local laws and regulations. We will not be held liable in the event that a person or entity chooses to access or use our Website from a location where such use violates local law or regulation. If you are accessing our Website from outside the United States, you understand and consent to having your data transferred to and processed in the United States.

To ensure the best experience for you and to protect our own interests and wellbeing, we reserve the right to the following: 

  • To monitor the Website for any violations of our Legal Terms 

  • To take appropriate legal action against someone who, in our opinion, has violated these Legal Terms or other applicable laws and regulations 

  • To take any action that, in our sole discretion, protects our rights and our users and facilitates the proper functioning of our Website and Programs

Furthermore, minors are not eligible to access our Website or Programs without the consent of a parent or legal guardian. All minors must have the express permission of their parent or guardian when using our Website or accessing our Programs. We reserve the right to terminate accounts and/or to deny access to minors who have not obtained the appropriate parental or legal guardian consent. 

To access and use our Website and our Programs, you must comply with each and every provision of these Legal Terms. If at any time, we determine that you have violated a provision of these Legal Terms or any other applicable law or regulation, we reserve the right to terminate and block your use of our Website without notice. In the event your account is terminated, you are prohibited from registering and creating a new account under your name or any other name, even if you are acting on behalf of a third party. 


There may be instances where information presented on our Website is incorrect or inaccurate. We reserve the right to correct these errors and to make changes to and to update our Website and Programs at any time and without prior notice. We additionally reserve the rights to revise these Legal Terms at any time and without prior notice. We will, however, provide an update via electronic communication that our Legal Terms have been modified. You must agree to comply with the Legal Terms in effect at any given time. If you disagree with the modified terms, you must discontinue use of the Website and of our Programs immediately and may not access or use the Website or Programs in the future. The most up-to-date Legal Terms will be accessible via the following link: blakandbluedanceproject.com/terms-of-use 

We also cannot guarantee the availability of the Website or Programs at all times. We are not liable for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused by any temporary disruption to or discontinuation of our Website and Programs. We are not obligated to maintain the Website or our Programs and can alter or discontinue them at any time. We will not be held liable to any user or third party for any change, suspension, or discontinuance of our Website and Programs. 


We own all the intellectual property rights on and associated with our Website and Programs. This includes all source code, databases, functionality, software, website design, audio, video, text, photographs, products, graphics, and logos (our “Content”), along with the trademarks and service marks (the “Marks”) used throughout our Website. 

The Content and Marks contained on our Website are intended for your personal and non-commercial use and are protected by applicable copyright and trademark laws. 

Use of Our Website

We grant to you the following for your personal and non-commercial use:

  • Access to the Website and Programs

  • Ability to download copies of Content to which you have legally gained access

The Content and Marks available on our Website may not be copied, reproduced, used publicly, or exploited for commercial purposes without our prior written permission. To engage with or use our Programs beyond personal and private purposes, you must obtain our explicit written permission.

If you would like our permission to use our Programs, Content, or Marks in a manner not explicitly defined in these Legal Terms, please address your request to:

info@blakandbluedanceproject.org. If we grant you permission to post, reproduce, or display any of our Programs, Content, or Marks, you must identify us as the legal owners and make visible any necessary copyright. 

We reserve any additional rights not expressly granted to you in the use of our Website, Programs, Content, and Marks. Breaching these Intellectual Property Rights violates our Legal Terms and will invalidate your right to access and use our Website, Programs, Content, and Marks. 

Prohibited Activities

You may only use our Website, Programs, Content, and Marks for the purposes for which we have made them expressly available. 

In compliance with these Legal Terms, you may not engage in the following behaviors:

  • Cause harm to us or another person

  • Trick or defraud us, our employees, our directors, and/or other users 

  • Interfere with the Website’s security measures

  • Use our Website, Programs, Content, or Marks for commercial purposes, other than those for which we have granted you express approval in writing

  • Act in a way that violates applicable laws and regulations

  • Act in a way that violates these Legal Terms 

Please direct any questions or concerns you may have about these prohibited activities to: info@blakandbluedanceproject.org


When submitting to us a question, comment, or suggestion about our Website, you agree to assign to us the intellectual property rights associated with your submission. You agree that we will own this submission and may use it for any lawful purpose without acknowledgment or compensation to you. 

When sending us submissions, you agree that:

  • You have read and agree with these Legal Terms

  • You will not submit anything that is harmful, illegal, or hateful in any way 

  • Your submission is your own, and you have the appropriate rights to submit your submission and to grant us the aforementioned rights 

This section on submissions governs solely content such as questions, comments, suggestions, or other information about our Website. It does not govern submissions that relate to artistic collaborations and the submission of original work. For submissions related to artistic collaborations, see the succeeding section.

Artistic Collaborations 

We will not post or use submissions related to artistic collaborations– including the submission of original sound, original choreography, creative ideas, and project pitches– without the proper accreditations and prior notice to the artist in question. As part of a collaborative submission, the artist will be asked to enter into a written contract with us that details the appropriate compensation, as well as the artist’s agreement to transfer to us the rights to use their original work on our Website and Social Medias and in our Programs, including in our film and production projects. 


To submit content to our Website, you may be required to register an account. In doing so, you promise to protect the confidentiality of your account and personal information, including your password. We maintain the right to remove or change your account username if your chosen username is, in our opinion, inappropriate. 

We will record certain data and personal information that you provide to us when registering with our Website, in order to properly manage the Website and your use. We perform regular backups of data; however, we are not responsible for the data that you provide or for any activity in which you engage on the Website. By using our Website, you agree that we shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to your data and personal information. You waive any right to hold us accountable for any such loss or damage.

As part of registering with our Website, you promise the following:

  • The registration information you submit is true, accurate, current, and complete

  • You will maintain the accuracy of said information and will promptly update any changes to your information 

  • You are not a minor in the jurisdiction in which you reside; if you are, you have received the appropriate parental or legal guardian permission

  • You will not use our Website for any illegal or unauthorized purposes

  • You will not violate any laws or regulations while using our Website or interacting with our Programs

If you do not adhere to these requirements, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and to ban you from future use of our Website. Please review our Privacy Policy for additional details on data management and protection. Our Privacy Policy can be accessed here: blakandbluedanceproject.org/privacy-policy


We do not guarantee that the colors, features, and details of our various products are accurate or free of errors. We reserve the right to discontinue any products or to alter the prices or details of products at any time.

Return Policy: Please review the Return Policy for each item prior to purchasing.


When making a purchase, you agree to provide accurate payment information.

We accept the following forms of payment through Squarespace Payments. More information can be found here: https://www.squarespace.com/payments

  • VISA 

  • Mastercard

  • American Express

  • Discover

  • Diners Club

  • JCB

  • Union Pay

  • Apple Pay

All payments will be made in US dollars. You understand and agree that we will disclose your information to a third-party payment card processor whenever you make a payment through our Website. We reserve the right to alter pricing at any time and to correct any errors made in pricing. We also reserve the right to cancel any order at any time without providing reason. 


Our Website may include the use of external software. If said software is protected by an End User License Agreement (an “EULA”), your use of the software will be dictated by the terms of the EULA. Otherwise, your use of the software must be in accordance with the parameters established in these Legal Terms. 


On our Website, we may provide links to other third-party websites and content (including but not limited to articles, photographs, and videos). We will only provide links to third-party websites and content from sources that we trust and have engaged with ourselves. However, we do not guarantee the security and accuracy of these third-party websites and/or their content. We do not endorse these third-party websites and/or their content, products, and services and cannot be held responsible for any harm inflicted on you by a third-party website. If you do choose to clink on and access any of the links on our Website, you do so at your own risk and understand that our Legal Terms and other security measures no longer apply once you leave our Website. 


Please review our Privacy Policy in depth. Our Privacy Policy can be accessed here: blakandbluedanceproject.com/privacy-policy

As a user of our Website, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy and Legal Terms. 

Our Website may use both persistent and session cookies; persistent cookies remain on your computer after you close your session and until you delete them, while session cookies expire when you close your browser. For example, we store a persistent cookie to track how many times you visit our Website in one day. You may opt out of cookies in the preferences options of your browser. 

Our Website is hosted in the United States. If you access the Website from a country or region outside of the United States that has personal data collection practices, laws, and regulations different from our own, you understand and consent to having your data transferred to and processed in the United States. 


If a Dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation, the Dispute will be exclusively handled by a binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules. You understand and agree that this provision prevents you from the right to sue in court and proceed with a jury trial

Arbitration shall take place in Los Angeles, California and will be governed by the laws of the State of California. The arbitration will be carried out and resolved by a single arbitrator via the submission of documents; there will be no in-person or oral hearing. In the exchange of electronic information and documents, the arbitrator and participating parties agree to follow The Sedona Principles, Third Edition: Best Practices, Recommendations & Principles for Addressing Electronic Document Production. The arbitrator does not have the authority to award additional punitive or other damages that were not included in the list of original damages, except as may be required by law. Each party will be responsible for its own fees and expenses and will equally share the fees of arbitration. Except as may be required by law, neither party or arbitrator may disclose any content or information related to the arbitration without both parties’ prior written consent. If a party fails to pay its required share of arbitration fees, that party waives its right to present evidence and legal arguments. In such event, the other party may still be required to present evidence and a legal argument, as deemed necessary by the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall make a final decision in writing, which will be presented to both parties and will be binding. 


You agree and understand that your access and use of our Websites and Programs is entirely at your own risk. 

Disclaimer: While we do our best to update our Website and Programs and maintain the accuracy of any information that we provide, we may make errors of accuracy and/or currency. We disclaim liability for any information on our Website or in our Programs that has become outdated or is inadvertently incorrect.  

We are not liable for the following:

  • Errors and inaccuracies in our Website, Content, and Programs

  • Any loss, personal injury, or damage (including damage to property) that results from using our Website or Programs

  • Any unauthorized access of secure servers wherein personal and financial information may be stored

  • Any bugs, viruses, or similar technological problems that may be transferred to or through our Website by a third party 

  • Any third-party website, product, content, or service (even if that website, product, content, or service is linked from our Website)

Furthermore, our directors and employees will not be liable to you or any third party for any damages incurred, including but not limited to the loss of profit, revenue, and/or data, or any other problem caused by use of our Website and Programs. This limitation applies even in the event that we have been advised of the potential for damages. 


Electronic communications include but are not limited to accessing and using our Website, sending and receiving emails, and completing online forms. All notices, disclosures, transactions, signatures, and general communications from us will be sent to you electronically. As a user of our Website and in accordance with these Legal Terms, you understand and agree that these electronic communications satisfy any legal requirement that communications must be made in writing. 


Inclusivity statement

At Blak & Blue Dance Project, we are committed to building a community that supports and promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe every individual has the right to be treated fairly, to have equal opportunity and rights, and to be recognized as human, regardless of age, race, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or other constructs. We aim to create an environment that is welcoming to all. 

Our Website and Programs are designed with this commitment in mind. We strive for our digital content to be accessible to people of all abilities and for our programs to reflect the diversity of the communities that we serve.

We know inclusivity is an ongoing journey; we are dedicated to listening, learning, and taking action to make our company as inclusive and equitable as possible. We welcome feedback from our community on ways we can improve.

By using our Website, you agree to respect and adhere to our inclusivity principles. Discriminatory behavior or language will not be tolerated and, at our discretion, will result in the suspension or termination of your access to our Website and to our Programs.


These Legal Terms operate to the fullest extent permissible by law. In the event that any provision of these Legal Terms is deemed unlawful, that provision will be severed from these Legal Terms. However, this severance will not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this document and its remaining provisions. These Legal Terms may not be used against us in any way. In agreeing to these Legal Terms, you hereby waive any arguments or defenses you may have based on the electronic form of the Legal Terms and the lack of signing by either Party.

To resolve a complaint related to our Website and/or Programs or to receive further information regarding the use of our Website, please contact us at the following email and/or address:

Roni Blak
11606 San Vicente Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90049