Blak & Blue Dance Project

Our Work

Productions & Events

We create socially aware, relevant, and original works for other nonprofit organizations and events.

Featured Productions & Events


Our short dance films bring awareness to important societal issues and highlight the talent of our in-house company and guest artists.

Our film projects have won a number of awards at film festivals both nationally and internationally.

Featured Film Projects


We provide schools in the Greater Los Angeles area with the infrastructure for film and dance productions. Our educational initiatives allow students the opportunity to gain experience in the performance and production spaces.


KNBC News 4. June 15, 2007

Blak & Blue Dance Project supports nonprofits, businesses, and events that align with our mission and values.

Pop-up Competitions

Our competition model provides a platform for up-and-coming artists of all ages to showcase their talents. We collaborate with artists to create original sounds and choreography, which we subsequently feature on our social media and/or incorporate into the production of our film projects. 

Follow us on social media for more information on our upcoming projects!